Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU

Italia Domani - Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza

Ministero dell'Università e della ricerca

Project funded under the NATIONAL RECOVERY AND RESILIENCE PLAN (PNRR) - MISSION 4 COMPONENT 2, "From research to business" INVESTMENT 1.5, "Creation and strengthening of Ecosystems of innovation" and construction of "Territorial R&D Leaders"



The project

e.INS - Ecosystem of Innovation for Next generation Sardinia is a global program to strengthen the link between business and science, mitigate the social impacts generated by the crisis and increase the level of territorial inclusion.


It is designed to support innovation processes and promote their dissemination, facilitate the transfer of technologies to the production system, involve local communities in the challenges of sustainable innovation and guide the territory towards a truly knowledge-based economy.

The ecosystem is developed in the specialization area "Humanistic culture, creativity, social transformations, society of inclusion" and represents the scientific vocations of the regional territory.



Recruitments / Comparative Procedures



Project structure

The Hub is responsible for the launch, implementation and management of the ecosystem which is organized around 10 thematic Spokes. 18 subjects of both public and private nature will operate synergistically in different roles (Hub members, spoke coordinators, spoke affiliates). The constellation of the partnership has been selected to operate effectively in the key sectors of the Sardinian economy.

The thematic areas of the spokes represent the synthesis of the main economic sectors of the region around which, historically, Sardinian scientific research has been focused: Medicine, Tourism and Cultural Heritage, AgriVet, Finance and Credit services to the territory and enterprises, Aerospace, Energy, Digital, Mobility, Environmental Heritage, Biopharmacology.



Shareholders of the eINS hub (consortium company)





Coordinators and affiliates of the spokes

Spoke number Spoke name Participants Ruolo Public/Private
01 A new route to preventive medicine: genomics, digital innovation and telemedicine UNISS Coordinator public
UNICA Affiliate public
INPECO Affiliate private
IRGB-CNR Affiliate public
02 Innovation and sustainability for the competitiveness of tourism and cultural heritage SMEs in marginal markets UNISS Coordinator public
UNICA Affiliate public
Accademia Sironi Affiliate public
03 APPàre: smart and secure livestock farm APPlications to boost data-driven innovation along the food chain - AgriVet IZS Coordinator public
UNISS Affiliate public
UNICA Affiliate public
CNIT Affiliate private
Abinsula Affiliate private
04 Finance and Credit for the society’s digital transition CCIAA SS Coordinator public
UNISS Affiliate public
UNICA Affiliate public
Banco di Sardegna Affiliate private
05 Aerospace Science and Technology UNISS Coordinator public
UNICA Affiliate public
UniTE Affiliate public
06 Digital Transformation UNICA Coordinator public
UNISS Affiliate public
Accenture Affiliate private
07 Low carbon technologies for efficient energy systems UNICA Coordinator public
UNISS Affiliate public
Confindustria Affiliate private
ENEL Affiliate private
RSE Affiliate private
08 Sustainable Mobility SOGAER Coordinator private
UNISS Affiliate public
UNICA Affiliate public
09 Environment protection and valorisation UNICA Coordinator public
UNISS Affiliate public
10 Biopharmacology CYBERTECH Coordinator private
UNISS Affiliate public
UNICA Affiliate public
GENOMEUP Affiliate private



Schema della struttura progettuale